Since I have external speakers, I chose to mute the startup sound on my internal speakers and set the chime very low on my external speakers. Remember if you mute it there will be no external speaker sound.

Unplug speakers or headphones from the headphone jack.To adjust the volume on your Mac's internal speakers:
Keep in mind that this setting completely controls the volume of your internal Mac speakers, so if you mute the sound, and have no external speakers, you will get no sound at all from your Mac. In order to adjust (or turn off) the volume of your Mac's internal speakers, nothing must be plugged into the headphone jack. There are both internal and external speaker output settings in the sound preference pane. There is no need to use scripts or any other coding to make this adjustment. Controlling the volume of the startup chime is easy to set in the System Preferences Sound panel, but you need to make two different settings if you have external speakers connected to your Mac.